So I have a few more minor announcements, which I will detail here! Also more about my newest project, Tech Nova.
Read Morewriting life
Softness, Decluttering, and Summer Memories
This summer has been passing by quite quickly. I have been doing much better since I had the small medication issue, and I find myself happy and comfortable again. I have been having some nice thoughts and experiences which I will talk about here.
Read MoreIt has been a while! UPDATES!
So I’ve been away from this site for a while now, since last summer. A lot has happened since then.
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May and June 2022
After recovering from being so ill writing came a little slower than normal, but I did finish the final draft of my second poetry and short stories book. I also chose to republish some of my earlier short stories so the collection would finally all be in one place. I think the book is coming out in August, but I will know in the next week most likely. I have done some light editing of the project I finished the first draft of last summer. Mostly I have been working on continuing my NaNoWriMo project from last year. My camp Nano goal is to try to finish draft one of this project. I am thinking I may release this book for free online, but that’s just what I think right now.
Read MoreI've been sick... and other current events
I’ve been pretty sick since the end of February. I didn’t really start to feel better until the beginning of this month. I even had to go to the hospital, so no really creative stuff got done. I was hoping to do Camp Nano this month but it didn’t end up happening. I decided after all that, that I would take a small break from the editing I was doing on the novel I finished last Summer. I will talk a little about what my plans are for the upcoming months in this post.
Read MoreNew Projects for 2022

For 2022 I’m doing a few old projects and a few new ones. I am excited to shake it up a little bit and do some things that are not strictly writing. Click to find out more!
Read MoreNaNOWriMo Results!!
I won NANO this year, I ended up with about 52,000 words on my draft of my Dark Academia YA Thriller. It was a crazy month but I achieved my goal. I have continued to write even after hitting my goal, but I’m not going at such a feverish pace anymore. I am especially proud of myself because I have had such limited time to write and I still made it! I think I’m going to try to finish the first draft by August 2022. I still have another book that is heading into its second draft to work on, I plan on working on that in late winter or early spring.
I have really fallen in love with the characters I’ve been writing about, but I do find I’m at a place that has been a little more difficult to write. I also see there are some plot inconsistencies that need to be worked through. But I think overall this draft is much smoother than the one I wrote this summer. That draft needs a lot of help. A TON OF HELP! I feel like the pacing is better in my Nano project too, so I’m hoping that by practicing so much I’m learning a lot!
I am also selling physical signed copies of the book I released in October, Sugar High Angels. If you are interested in buying a signed copy it is available here. If you want a personal message just send a message after purchase. Of course, the book is also still available in all the normal spaces online. I am very happy with the feedback I have gotten from this book and the support has been beyond what I ever could have imagined. Overall things have been going pretty well in the writing sphere.
More Later, Take care of yourself and stay safe