We are only a few days into May but, so far I have been pretty productive. In this entry, I’ll go into some details about new projects, and things I am hoping to release this month. This is mostly for me to keep track of what I’m doing, but maybe some other people might be curious about what I’m working on this month.
After recovering from being so ill writing came a little slower than normal, but I did finish the final draft of my second poetry and short stories book. I also chose to republish some of my earlier short stories so the collection would finally all be in one place. I think the book is coming out in August, but I will know in the next week most likely. I have done some light editing of the project I finished the first draft of last summer. Mostly I have been working on continuing my NaNoWriMo project from last year. My camp Nano goal is to try to finish draft one of this project. I am thinking I may release this book for free online, but that’s just what I think right now.
On February 14th (the most special day) I put out my second album OtherPlace. It’s a soundtrack I made for a videogame I’m considering making. I was deeply inspired by a few movie soundtracks and Japanese Horror and Japanese Horror videogames, especially those from the early to mid-2000s.
For 2022 I’m doing a few old projects and a few new ones. I am excited to shake it up a little bit and do some things that are not strictly writing. Click to find out more!