Prep-Tober so Far


So far I’ve been pretty proactive during Prep-tober. I am trying to get as prepared as possible. I am also preparing to release a book of short poetry/short stories/journal entries. This month has been very busy, but it is exciting. I will detail what I’ve done so far.

I have done quite a few things to prepare for NanoWrimo. I made a Pinterest board, a playlist to write to, I have also done character description cards for all the big characters and villian’s. I also did some setting cards and general notes about the world. I’m kind of making a book bible, not a series bible because this is a stand alone novel. I also wrote a decent sized outline of the novel, I finished it surprisingly quickly. I am nervous and excited at the same time to write this story. It’s going to be a different POV than I normally write in, so this will be challenging. I am falling in love with the characters, even the ones who are kind of terrible people! I’ve decided if I complete NaNoWriMo I’m going to buy the word warrior sweatshirt from the official store! I bought a new mechanical keyboard recently and I’m really enjoying writing on it.

I am hoping my book will be out late October or early November. I have been waiting a while to release this book and I hope people enjoy it. It’s a shorter book, but I felt that it didn’t need to be very long. I just also finished my first draft of a novel, that book is pretty long and will need extensive edits, but I’m hoping it will be published next summer. So many projects coming down the line. My friend and I are also talking about making a small zine to release this month :) .I have four more books planned after my Nano project. My personal life has been a bit chaotic so I’m trying to delve into work when I can.