After recovering from being so ill writing came a little slower than normal, but I did finish the final draft of my second poetry and short stories book. I also chose to republish some of my earlier short stories so the collection would finally all be in one place. I think the book is coming out in August, but I will know in the next week most likely. I have done some light editing of the project I finished the first draft of last summer. Mostly I have been working on continuing my NaNoWriMo project from last year. My camp Nano goal is to try to finish draft one of this project. I am thinking I may release this book for free online, but that’s just what I think right now.
The rest of this month I’m trying to really focus on reading more books, and studying writers’ craft a lot more! I am still very weak when it comes to certain things and I want to improve so I’m doing research. I’ve also been doing prompts with some friends on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I’m hoping that I can learn a little more about making my writing a little tighter, and more concise. I might start talking about books I read on this blog as well as my writing.
I’ve been doing some other projects as well. I’ve been messing around with some new sounds and music. I am going to receive files from a friend I’m doing a music project with soon, so I’ll have that to work on too. The other project I’m toying around with and in the very early development of is a series of YouTube videos I’m planning on making. I’m in the middle of sorting out some health issues still, but hopefully, things will be much better by August and I’m planning on doing more work on the video series in September. So more details about this will be coming soonish! One hint is that it is comic and geek related.
That’s about it, just a short update about what I’ve been up to.