March and April
My sweet baby, the cat love of my life, Ivan.
Some Sadness...
I have such a heavy heart as I write this. My cat I’ve had for twenty years passed away on the 15th. It has been a hard two weeks.
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Hello, September
The past week has been busy. I have been working on many projects. I will talk about what I’m working on and I will be practicing writing my French in the following entry. I am also going to talk about some new apps I am trying out, or using more.
Read MoreSoftness, Decluttering, and Summer Memories
This summer has been passing by quite quickly. I have been doing much better since I had the small medication issue, and I find myself happy and comfortable again. I have been having some nice thoughts and experiences which I will talk about here.
Read MoreBeing a creative with limitations… PART ONE- BASICS

So in this blog post, I’m going to talk about the creative process and how I navigate having a lot of obstacles in my way of creating, as well as things that have helped me overcome said obstacles.
Read MoreIt has been a while! UPDATES!
in Writing, Video Series, Personal
So I’ve been away from this site for a while now, since last summer. A lot has happened since then.
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May and June 2022
in Music, Writing, Video Series
After recovering from being so ill writing came a little slower than normal, but I did finish the final draft of my second poetry and short stories book. I also chose to republish some of my earlier short stories so the collection would finally all be in one place. I think the book is coming out in August, but I will know in the next week most likely. I have done some light editing of the project I finished the first draft of last summer. Mostly I have been working on continuing my NaNoWriMo project from last year. My camp Nano goal is to try to finish draft one of this project. I am thinking I may release this book for free online, but that’s just what I think right now.
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