So I have a few more minor announcements, which I will detail here! Also more about my newest project, Tech Nova.
Be patient and kind to yourself

This is part two of my series here explaining how I manage to be a creative person with a lot of limitations. This is a story about grace and some insight I’ve gained about being kind to the people who matter and yourself.
Read MoreTrying my hand at generative art recently
Upcoming Projects and Releases May 2023
We are only a few days into May but, so far I have been pretty productive. In this entry, I’ll go into some details about new projects, and things I am hoping to release this month. This is mostly for me to keep track of what I’m doing, but maybe some other people might be curious about what I’m working on this month.
Read MoreBeing a creative with limitations… PART ONE- BASICS

So in this blog post, I’m going to talk about the creative process and how I navigate having a lot of obstacles in my way of creating, as well as things that have helped me overcome said obstacles.
Read MoreNew Photos Up ^_^
I have been collecting a lot of my photos from my journeys all around the USA. I have such a strange relationship with the country I live in. But in collecting these from multiple CDs, flash drives, and Flickr, I realized that there is a lot of beauty in the United States. Sometimes in unlikely places. I also will be updating you about everything that has been going on if you read on…
Read MoreNew Projects for 2022

For 2022 I’m doing a few old projects and a few new ones. I am excited to shake it up a little bit and do some things that are not strictly writing. Click to find out more!
Read MorePrep-Tober so Far

So far I’ve been pretty proactive during Prep-tober. I am trying to get as prepared as possible. I am also preparing to release a book of short poetry/short stories/journal entries. This month has been very busy, but it is exciting. I will detail what I’ve done so far.
Read MoreNew Beginnings!

Hi there! I decided to restart my Blog because I kind of wanted to center this more around the art and writing I am doing rather than my personal life. So goodbye old posts! (They are still archived so I can remember the past almost two years!) This is the new start of my blog. I guess I’ll introduce myself and what I do and love in this post.
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