New Beginnings!


Hi there! I decided to restart my Blog because I kind of wanted to center this more around the art and writing I am doing rather than my personal life. So goodbye old posts! (They are still archived so I can remember the past almost two years!) This is the new start of my blog. I guess I’ll introduce myself and what I do and love in this post.

I am a writer who dabbles in art from Ohio. I am currently getting ready to publish a book of short stories and poems very soon. (I had planned on releasing at Halloween but there have been some delays and it looks like this will not come to pass) I just finished the first draft of a YA novel and I am currently in the prep stage for NaNoWriMo this year. My Nano project is a complete re-write of a book I wrote when I was a fresh-faced eighteen-year-old. I am always looking for buddies on NaNoWriMo so drop me an email if you want to be friends on the site. I write under a pen name and probably always will (I’m super shy!) I have been writing since my very first memories of myself. I remember the publishing workshops in elementary school were one of my favorite experiences. I did write a classic in second grade about mummies :).

I also attempt to make art. I have been drawing since I was very young as well. I only started to do art to better express the stories and characters in my head. I went to art school and fell in love with making things, my favorite things to do are collages, watercolor, and digital art, but I often work outside of these mediums. Lately, I’ve been experimenting with Digital paintings/photo-manipulations and mixed media collages. I also love photography, but I haven’t been taking artistic photos as much lately because I think I burned myself out on it. I also like to make electronic “noise” and “songs” because I have never been able to grasp physical instruments even though I really want to. In an ideal world, I would have more time than I actually do and I could make more experimental sampled music like Einstürzende Neubauten! Ah, dreams.

I love cats, astronomy, music, and reading. I really love guilty pleasure media and enjoy things that are very campy, cringe, or “so bad they are good”. I love many types of books, but lately, I’ve really enjoyed Poetry, and I’ve been trying to read a lot of Indie authors. I am also completely addicted to YouTube!

I’m mostly going to use this blog to keep myself motivated and accountable. I will also keep running updates on when books are getting ready to release. I may also announce some art projects I have planned with others in the future. I am very excited it is now my favorite time of year!